Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Project 4: (Weeks 1-3) Napa Best Company Sales and Marketing Project

The sequence of maps are the culmination of an analysis of sales in Napa County to select sales territories for sales representatives of Napa Best Company and ultimately, using Network Analyst tools, determining the optimum travel route for three sales representatives to target the top ten sales locations in their respective territories.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Project 3: Better Books' store site selection

The following link offers a PowerPoint presentation that details the site assessments and site selection for a proposed third store location for Better Books' Stores.

Market Analysis for Selection of Third Store Location for San Francisco's Better Books' stores

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Project 3: Market Analysis (Week 2)

In this first map submission, there is a market comparison for the two existing stores to distinguish household patterns for book sales and the relative drive time to arrive at the store. The Steiner location will be used as a model store to perform the comparative analysis to select the best of the two proposed locations for the newest addition to the Best Books Store family.

The three prospective locations are identified in the following map.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Project 3: GIS and Economic Development - Data

This map compares four demographic parameters with the locations of the two Better Books stores and competitor store locations.

This map is the first stage in a market analysis for a bookstore company, Best Books, in San Francisco, CA. This map identifies the one mile market zone around each of the two store locations and also the relative percentages of homes with occupants who have pursued college.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Greenspace in Marin City --> Results Week!

Attached please find a PowerPoint presentation related to the work assignment in the Results Week of Project 2 (Special Topics in GIS)

PowerPoint presentation regarding Greenspace in Marin City, California and efforts to offset utility costs for the Marin City Center

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Marin City, CA Greenspace (Project 2, Part 2 - Analysis)

Percent tree cover was determined for five neighborhoods in Marin City, California in an effort to demonstrate to the Marin City Manager of the importance of retaining and expanding the city's greenspace.

Calculations were performed to determine the carbon storage and carbon sequestration in the trees in each of the five neighborhoods.